the judge is none other than the multi-talented, jeslyn!! hahahaha!!! *i noe u all dun want me to write pretty.. haha!*
first up..
the entertainer of the semester award!
the winner is *drum roll* ...
Patrick Wong Ka Ming!! hahhaha!!
*clap clap clap*
the bully of the semester award!
the winner is *drum roll*..
Alvin Seah Shuang Wee! haha!
*clap clap clap*
Sweetest smile award!
the winner is *drum roll*..
Rashidah Bte Ismail !!
*clap clap clap*
Best group award!
the winner is *drum roll*..
none other than the amazing 5 consisting of Jeslyn, Jiarong, Janice, Xiuyun and Fengying!! haha!
*clap clap clap*
The aging award!
the winner is *drum roll*..
of cos.. Lee JianYu (Fish) hahaha!!
*clap clap clap*
The smoke non stop award!
the winner is *drum roll*...
Lee JianYu (Fish) again!!
*clap clap clap*
The move alot award!
the winner is *drum roll*..
Patrick Wong Ka Ming!!
*clap clap clap*
The always busy with nothing award!
the winner is *drum roll*...
Thomas Goh Chew Hwa!! haha!
*clap clap clap*
and the last award....
The Gayest Friend!!
the winner is *drum roll*
Patrick Wong Ka Ming!!
*clap clap clap*
and thats the end of the award show.. as u can see the biggest award winner is none other than Patrick.. erm as a friend. i really think that he deserve this "honours" hahha.. and wish him all the best.. Congrats to you! and see u in IBM.. hahaha..
lastly, photos rolling and the award and credits goes to JESLYN!!
say "cheese"

..Last pic together..=(

B.A.D---> according to Linus
